
March 2024 Image Release (and Raspberry Pi 5 support)

We’re pleased to announce that the 20240314 image set has been promoted to current and is now generally available.

You can find the new images on our downloads page and on our many mirrors.

Some highlights of this release:

  • A keymap selector is now shown in LightDM on XFCE images (@classabbyamp in #354)
  • The chrony NTP daemon is now enabled by default in live images (@classabbyamp in abbd636)
  • Raspberry Pi images can now be installed on non-SD card storage without manual configuration on models that support booting from USB or NVMe (@classabbyamp in #361)
  • Raspberry Pi images now default to a /boot partition of 256MiB instead of 64MiB (@classabbyamp in #368)

rpi-aarch64* PLATFORMFSes and images now support the Raspberry Pi 5. After installation, the kernel can be switched to the Raspberry Pi 5-specific rpi5-kernel.

You may verify the authenticity of the images by following the instructions on the downloads page, and using the following minisign key information:

untrusted comment: minisign public key A3FCFCCA9D356F86